Nikon SLR Cameras

How to change the retical in my Nikon rifle scope?


Does anyone know of a reliable company that can swap out a standard crosshair to one that is mil'd out?

Russ in NOVA
Russ in NOVA

Nikon is the only company that you want messing with your Nikon scope. If you want a different reticle, but the scope with the reticle you want and sell the one you have.


Quite simple. Go to a website or brick-and-mortar store that sells the scope you want, and buy it. If Nikon doesn't make one you like, buy a different brand.

You do NOT simply switch out crosshairs. To do so would be cost prohibitive, especially when a new scope is so relatively inexpensive.


Before buying or making changes call them and see if it will be worth the money spent. Check web site for details.

Staap It
Staap It

And this is why I buy ONLY Unertl, and Leupold scopes. Often no charge for what I want done. Once in a while the odd Lyman, but there are folks that work on them too. I can and do have anything I want done to them readily. Good luck with Nikon. Allot more difficult and expensive. The only reliable shop to work on that is Nikon themselves. Send it off to Japan for about 8 weeks. Sorry.


Uh, first, I would call Nikon and ask them if they will do it. If Nikon does not perform that service, follow Russ' advice. The easiest way is to just buy a new scope.