Nikon SLR Cameras

How much can I get for a Sony A100 w/ 300mm Telephoto, 100mm Macro, and 70mm Standard?


I have a Sony A100 DSLR with 7283 clicks. I have three lenses to go with it

- Sony SAL75300 Telephoto zoom lens - 75 mm - 300 mm - F/4.5-5.6 - Minolta A-type
- Sony 100mm f/2.8 Macro Lens
- Sony DT 18-70mm 1:3.5-5.6 (This was included in the box when we purchased the A100)

I also have:
- A battery charger
- A SanDisk Ultra CompactFlash 15MB/s 2 GB memory card (Obviously compatible with the A100)
- A lense hood (fully round, it's not shaped, just fully round like this: image)

The camera and it's lenses are all in full working condition, no scratches, dirt, etc.

I have no idea how much I should charge for all of this together… Any ideas? NOT trying to sell it just yet. Just wondering how much it WOULD go for if I DO decide to sell it all and go for a Nikon.


Camera body with the charger and battery aren't much. Maybe $250. Probably with the kit lens to get that price. The 100mm lens might fetch you a decent price. It's $750 new from what I can see. I'd sell separately. The zoom lens runs cheap new at about $250. If it is in good new condition you can probably get $200 or so out of it. Again sell separately. I'd go for ebay for your best price on them.

Sound Labs
Sound Labs

Camera body isn't worth much, around 150 at the lowest, no more than 225 would be my guess. The lenses are a bit easier to figure out. The three Sony lenses, just check ebay and see what they go for. The only one that stands out is the 100 f/2.8 macros and faster lenses like this hold their value much better as there will be a greater demand for it. The other two lenses won't fetch that much. The 18-70mm is low end kit lens so there's a lot of them out there, and the big zoom is slow (small aperture).

Battery charger doesn't matter since every camera shipped with one, the memory card has very little value, literally a few dollars, it's only 2GB and it's slow. It will serve well with the A100 because the files aren't too big and it doesn't shoot video but that's about it. Good luck from a former A100 owner that switched to the A700 back in 2007, and possibly buying the Sony A77 in November.

Jeroen Wijnands
Jeroen Wijnands

Sony, certainly older models like this, are difficult to sell.

The camera + accessories + kit lens, 200-250 euros. The two lenses, assuming they're in good condition, 75% of the cheapest shop listing you can find.