Nikon SLR Cameras

How to look more like a proffesional photographer?


I have a nikon dslr. When ever i'm out taking pictures of wildlife I always pass real proffesional photographers. What can I do to make myself look more like one so i'm not look down at.
should i buy a battery grip? Maybe a better tripod? Longer lens? Etc.


You are joking right?

You can't tell who is a professional photographer is by their equipment.

The guy with the $10, 000 lens and tripod might just be an amateur, while the guy snapping pics with his iPhone, might be a full time pro.

You should spend more time worrying about how your photos look, and less time worrying about how you look.


Professional photographers worry more about the quality of the photos they're taking than how they look to others. The best way you can look like a professional photographer is to act like one.

If you think you need the battery grip because your battery doesn't last long enough, buy it.
If you think you should replace your tripod because the one you have doesn't hold the camera steady enough in portrait orientation, buy it.
If you think you need a longer lens because the lenses you currently have don't reach far enough, buy it.

Don't spend money on equipment just to keep up appearances. It just makes you look like more of an amateur when you've got great gear and no clue how to use it.


Out of all the silly and inane questions posted on this section, this has to be one of the silliest and most inane.

Pros have more important things to worry about than how they look


Male professional photgraphers work with their *** hanging out. It's not a pervy thing, they just that they don't like to risk missing a shot while they take a leak.


I thought you guys only ever suffered from 'equipment envy' while in the male public toilets. But, I'm just a female, so what would I know? Lol

Tip no. 1… The first step to becoming a pro is knowing how to spell the word correctly. You haven't learnt that yet.