Nikon SLR Cameras

How to change the shutter speed on my camera?

Ruby River
Ruby River

I have a Nikon N55, and the shutter speed is really slow, so the picture blurs, even if the person only moves a little bit. Do you know how to make it faster? I would experiment, except film is really expensive, and I don't want to waste it.


See that dial on the top-left of your camera? Turn it to set the shutter speeds.


You need to adjust the shutter/speed and/or aperture. I would suggest you read the manual… Http:// and then take a film photography course.


Use Manual - just make sure you adjust the aperture to compensate - or Shutter Priority if you have it.

Otherwise, invest in a flashgun. You should be using film of around ISO 400 indoors, although 100 or 200 is adequate for daylight.


Use shutter priority [S] on the control button, top left. Or manual [M] where you can select both speed and aperture.

What setting are you using at the moment?