Nikon SLR Cameras

How to escape a metal detector to get a small camera into a concert?


It's about the whole size of an average man's hand. The seller of the tickets didn't have any idea if cameras are allowed. I've heard that some concerts will confiscate the camera at the door. I don't want that to happen and I don't want to use a cell phone, because this could be the last time I'm able to see a concert, especially this one. I'm old, he's old. It's very distant seating, outdoors. 30, 000 +? Or, is there some other way to get one in? Nikon s6100


Put it in your pant or your jacket

Luis Gonzales
Luis Gonzales

If there's a metal detector, you can't do anything.


If there's a metal detector and they scan people individually then having a tobacco tin in front of the camera is about the only option so when the hand scanner goes "wow" you can produce the tobacco tin that's obscuring the camera. Long shot I know. Only other way would be to get a bogus press pass so the camera would be OK otherwise you're back to plan B, the cell phone. If there's no metal detector you should be home free. I've smuggled in a small boom box under a big coat to record a concert before now.