Nikon SLR Cameras

What Professional Camera?

Bree Bree
Bree Bree

I'm in college for photography and they informed me I need to get a professional camera and have shoots for a upcoming project.
Would anyone know a camera I should get?
Like Cannon or a Nikon! Nothing over a thousand.
I want one that would be good for shooting at live concerts as well as band promos because that is what I'm going to do.


Maybe the meant you need a fully adjustable dSLR camera, NOT a professional camera since they cost from $2, 800 up to $43, 00 just for the bodies.

For under $1, 000 you can buy a nice Nikon D5100 or Canon T3i with a lens. Both are excellent choices. Which system you buy will be determined more by the subjects you intend to be shooting once you graduate.

Here is how those cameras sensors compare. Look at the scores and see which camera will match your goals as a photogapher


Do You Have Any Idea On How Much A Professional Cameras Actually Cost? You Won't Find Any Professional Cameras For Less Than A $1000, Try Adding Between 2 to 3 Thousand Dollars More To The Budget.
You Would Far Better Off Getting A Consumer Level Cameras Instead Of A Professional Cameras.
The Person(S) Who Told You Go Get A Professional Cameras Are Total Airheads definitely Don't Know Anything About Cameras Or Even What The Cost Of A Professional Cameras Really Are.


Perhaps you can get a better idea of what your class requires. The term "professional" usually conjures the thought of a $6, 000+ camera.

Some classes still require the use of film cameras - do you know for sure if it should be film or digital?

You could make an expensive mistake, so perhaps they can provide a list of recommended cameras, or at least refine the requirements a bit more.


Findyou Artscho
Findyou Artscho

Nikon D7000 (body only) Editors' Choice - Nikon D7000 (body only)

An excellent dSLR for experienced shooters or Nikon professionals looking for a relatively cheap option, the Nikon D7000 delivers on almost all counts, including the company's best shooting design to date.

Jim A
Jim A

Actually any consumer level dslr will do the trick for you ranging in price from $500 to $950.
Here's a good place to do research.

Flip Dude
Flip Dude

The term "professional" may not be the best to describe it.professional camera cost $3, 000 - $15, 000 just for the body.probably the question should be "Help what DSLR camera… " DSLR are also proffesional too but… (i can't really explain it). Anyway, get a "basic" SLR such as Canon T2i or the T3i or Nikon D5100. Don't get just the body. Get the one that len is included which is 18-55mm lens. There's a good camera for college and built in for fast action called the Canon 60d which cost over a thousand dollars with the included 18-135mm lens. There's one thing I want share with you, you can take any types and kinds of photos with any camera because the camera doesn't take the photos, its the photographer who takes the photos.


Canon makes the T3i, 60D and Nikon makes the D5100 for under that price. You can always buy refurbished to save some $$$ for a nicer lens (the kit lenses are not great) or better body
Canon refurbished:
Nikon Refurbished:
There's also a buyers guide for DSLRs which is great here:

Both Canon & Nikon are great and you really can't go wrong with either of the models I mentioned. Shooting concerts would depend more on the lens. Look for a 70-200mm f/2.8 for concert shots and maybe a 50mm f/1.8 or 50mm f/1.4 for band promos. If you can't afford the 70-200 f/2.8, check out a Canon 100mm f/2 which is a great lens but you loose the ability to zoom.


Maybe the meant you need a fully adjustable dSLR camera, NOT a professional camera since they cost from $2, 800 up to $43, 00 just for the bodies.

For under $1, 000 you can buy a nice Nikon D5100 or Canon T3i with a lens. Both are excellent choices. Which system you buy will be determined more by the subjects you intend to be shooting once you graduate.

Here is how those cameras sensors compare. Look at the scores and see which camera will match your goals as a photogapher…


Canon T3i is the best