Nikon SLR Cameras

Has anyone bought a lens from KEH. Com?


I'm looking to buy a Nikon 50mm f/1.8D and I found one on

It says it is refurbished- does anyone known if that's factory refurbished by Nikon, or refurbished by KEH? The site doesn't specify which it is.

Also, if the item is in Like New minus condition, it says that is may ship without accessories like caps… Would they really ship a lens without a lens cap?


This company has been around a very long time.
Call them and ask who refurbished.
Guessing that most camera places don't have the technology to refurbish modern cameras unless they are authorized service center.


I've made many purchases from KEH. You get what the listing says… If it says no lens cap, then it has no lens cap. You can get a generic 52mm cap just about anywhere… It isn't a big deal. They sell the gear with the accessories it came with when they bought it.

The ratings they use are applied to the item itself. The lens will be in like-new minus condition. You will have to look hard to find any flaws at all.