What is HDR photography?

I keep on hearing the term in photography and what exactly is it? I know it makes the picture look amazing, Do you do it with the camera or editing software? And how can I do it with my Nikon D2H?

It stands for High Dynamic Range.
It's basically a way to 'digitally develop' your photos using tonal information contained in multiple exposures of the same shot.
Say you exposure bracket the same shot. You can merge all three files into one 32 bit file and use the data contained in the images to create one master output preserving accurate details from all exposures.

A HDR image is a composite of several images which is done both in camera and in editing software, though some people can take the post processing too far. To put it simply, you take several shots at different exposures and then merge them together in something like photoshop (there's another specifically for HDR but i can't remember its name). I've not heard of your camera but if it's got fully manual mode then yes you can.
This video tutorial explains it better than i can http://www.photoanswers.co.uk/Video/Search-Results/Camera-Techniques/Shooting-for-HDR/
Oh and HDR isn't a method that is exclusive to digital, nor is it as new as some may think. You can do it on film also and it's been around since the late 1800s. For the record.