Is the Nikon D300 still a good camera in 2012?

Just wondered if it is still a good camera even in 2012, thinking about getting one, as its very tough, (going to swaziland next year with world challenge) and has good specs, so is it still a good camera in 2012 and for the next couple of years.

I'm now on 42k shots with mine. I often handle other people's cameras to keep up with the market.
D300 doesn't do video and it's usable high iso ends at 1600. If you can live with that it's still a good camera. Here's my work:

I'm still using mine.
Here is a sample shot at ISO 3200
Since its replacement has yet to be announced, it is still my "go-to" APS-C sensored camera

I guess I don't understand. Just because it's now 2012 does that mean that a brand new Mustang from say 2005 is no longer a good car? Of course not. Any Nikon or Canon dslr camera, regardless of the model or year it was made will always be a good camera.

Yes it's still a good camera, that is, if it's new, or a well maintained used copy. A cameras life is determined by the user not by the years. You'll will be fine with that camera, it is very rugged like you said and can take a beating than cheaper models.

A fine camera, but the image sensor is far behind the newer, cheaper dSLRs not to mention newer features like Wi-Fi, HDR, and HD video of newer cameras that are often less money.
So what do you want to do? If you are taking stills, and don't plan on much high ISO work, then it's a fine camera, just make sure to get a very good deal on it. The Nikon D7000 beats it in just about every way, and it's about 1, 000 US dollars new, so use that as a reference.
Also, shots taken with that camera at ISO 3200 are super dirty, anyone showing you nice shots at that ISO have used noise reduction and probably resized the image to hide the noise. Nothing wrong with it, things like this need to be done, but a RAW file is the only accurate representation of what any camera can do.
If you want a tough body AND lens, you could do better with a Pentax K-5.It uses the sweet 16 Sony image sensor found in the Sony A580, and Nikon D7000.It has the best body construction and weather sealing in its price range, and bonus, Pentax has weather sealed lenses, some of which are not too expensive. The D7000 is a small step down in body construction, but it has a mag alloy shell and weather seals unlike the entry level dSLRs and the image sensor smokes the old sensor found in the D300 in every single way.