How much should I charge for taking pre-prom photos?

My friends are going to prom except for me so they've asked me to take photos. I don't know everyone in the group, just two of them. There's going to be ten couples (20 people) and it will take place at two locations. (Her house and under a bridge). No backdrops will be used. I will be using a Nikon d800 with my 50mm f1/8 and 24mm f2/8 lens. Tips and suggestions?

Well normally people don't hire someone for prom, it's usually a bunch of moms in the way all the time for photos no one really wants to stand around and take only a few high school prom queen obsessed girls. So I would say 15 an hour. And tips on what? Photo taking? Well if you need tips then you shouldn't be getting hired for this job. Good day to you.

Are you a professional photographer who can guarantee quality shots? Then charge what you think you're worth.
Are you a kid with a camera who thinks this automatically makes you a pro? Then charge precisely nothing.

I have 2 suggestions.
1. Charge nothing.
2. If you have a lens longer than 50mm and =<f2.8, take that one instead of the 24mm.

Usually by the time someone can invest in a D800, they have a pretty good grasp on the fundamentals of photography and have work for a while as an assistant. It is through this time and experience, one learns how to set their fees for the services they supply
I just wrote up an estimate and I based it upon the amount of time it will take to do three setups for each couple and for my assistants.
The lenses I will be using are a 70-200 mm f/2.8 and 85 mm f/1.4
Plus a Elinchrom Ranger 2-Light Pro S Kit
I pay my assistants $20 an hour including the time it takes to get to the event (on way)
Shooting 8 couples with shots of their families included with one setup.
I'm billing $800 for the shoot itself and including one print per family.
All other prints will be billed separately and they will be ordering them from the Smugmug website.
It is too bad that you are doing this work without the experience you really need to work as a pro. Yes, you have the right camera, but you are missing some lenses and I will guess you are not planning on taking any portable flash units, am I right?