Nikon SLR Cameras

How to start a photo editing business when I'm only 17?


I'm looking to earn some extra cash to get some more gear (All I have is a Nikon D200, a 18-55mm and a 70-300mm at this time).

I've been using Photoshop CS2, CS5, and Elements for over 5 years now.

How can I get started? I'm pretty sure I need a Paypal… How do I get one?

Added (1). Seriously? Picassa?


What can I offer? This


Most people can use photoshop and also Picassa and I'm sure others.

What can you offer that they could not get?

andy w
andy w

As "justme" asked - what exactly can you offer. Don't juust post your link again as there's nothing there that anyone with just a little bit of knowledge of photoshop could not do themselves.

Pro photographers will use professional retouch artists when they need them and to get into that then you need to be an expert with Photoshop and other tools.
When you get to the level of these guys then think about touting your services around pro photographers and ad agencies

For the consumer market then there's no real call for plain retouching but there's for restorers. I. E. Restoring old prints etc.
If you are capable of doing that to a professional level then just set up a website and start advertising your services.