Nikon SLR Cameras

Filmscanner 120mm (Nikon Coolscan 9000 ED)?


Okay, filmscanner (Nikon Coolscan) is better than flat scanner (Epson Photo) . BUT. The Coolscan 9000 ED for 120mm is very expensive for me and i don't know if there are cheaper alternatives.

So, i would like to know what is the better thing:
- shot with 120mm negative films (as Yashica Mat 124) and scan with Flat scanner (as Epson Photo)
shot with 35mm negative films (as Contax+Zeiss lens) and scan with Filmscanner (as Nikon Coolscan)


The scanner can record no more information than what is in the negative. A 120 negative is about 6 times the size of a 35mm negative. All else being equal, the 120 negative will always have more resolution and detail than the 35mm negative.

If image quality is the main concern, the 120 film and Epson scanner will yield better results.