Nikon SLR Cameras

Film 35mm photography camera, Nikon?


I'm taking black and white photography in school this year &I have a Nikon. For the assignment that we're currently doing we're using the S, shutter, mode on our camera. Today when I went to take pictures I had it set on S and my aperure was blinking "EE" and there was no shutter speed shown, and I couldn't change it. Therefore it won't let me take a picture, that same thing is happening in the mode labeled "P" Though my camera is working fine in modes "A" and "M". What's wrong and how do I fix it so that I can take pictures in shutter mode?


Set the Aperture to its minimum value (biggest number). If that doesn't work, you'll be like a generation of photographers who just had to accept that body technology had outstripped their lenses and stick to M (the only mode you'll need anyway - select the shutter speed you want and adjust the aperture for correct exposure) or A.

Some MF Nikon bodies will give the full range of modes with AI lenses, others need Series E or AIS.

George Y
George Y

Just an "add-on" to Andrew's excellent answer. Nikon AF 35mm SLR cameras require you set the aperture ring (if any) to the smallest aperture setting, such as f/22. Then you need to click the aperture ring lock switch to keep it there. This way, the camera has control over the entire f/stop range of that lens.

Even 3rd party lenses like Tokina and Sigma have the same aperture ring lock.