Would this camera be appropriate for pro photography? - 1

I'm currently looking at a Nikon D5100, and was wondering if this camera would be plenty good for professional shots if I had all the lenses and stuff?

If you got the skills and stuff then maybe, otherwise, no

It is the photographer who does "professional" shots and not the camera. Photography is roughly 70% photographer skill/experience, 20% lens quality, and 10% camera body.
I have seen better images from an experienced photographer with an entry level camera than I have from an inexperienced person with a "professional grade" camera. (if you read through Y! A, you will find plenty of people asking "How do I use my new $2, 000 camera?" or "Why does my P&S camera take better pictures than my new expensive DSLR?"

I use a d3100 and have a 11-20mm, 50mm, 70-300mm and the 18-55mm and I'm 15 and got so many compliments saying I'm going pro. I still need allot of practicE but if you have the good eye or skills behind the lens then it's alright. But your looking for a "professional" camera I'd advice a more higher end. Such as a D3 or d300s or D700. But remember its not the camera, it's the photographer. Have fun

It's what you make the camera do other than what the camera can do, really. I use a Nikon D3000. I wouldn't say it's the best camera in the range but it does the job for me since I'm still learning. Just because it's an SLR doesn't mean you'll make professional looking shots.

I have a friend who does family photos as a side thing, and she uses this camera. And I must say that her work is far superior than a lot of studios that we've used which use professional cameras worth thousands of dollars. So as the rest of the pack advised you, its not the camera its the person who takes photographs. My friend's just got the eye for it, but with practice and patience you can get there as well. Camera/lens are not that important, and this is a good camera to start if you don't have experience with DSLR cameras. If you can spend a bit more money get a D7000 or D700, but if you have a limited budget you should be fine with D5100.
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