Would a 50mm f/1.8 Canon lens produce good photos?

I have a Canon Rebel XS and I've been wanting to upgrade from the kit lens
someone recommended me the 50 mm and I think I might go with it
The person showed me their photos taken with the lens and it was just what I was looking for. But, this person took the photos with the lens I want to buy but used a Nikon D90.
Will using the same lens, but for my canon rebel xs produce lower quality photos?

No, not unless you have the skills to produce good photos
It is NOT the camera, nor the lens that produce amazing shots. It is the photographer.
You will have to put a lot of time and energy to get to the level that every time you press the shutter release, you can expect to produce a good image and feel so confident, that you do not have to view the image using the LCD.
The lens the person used with their Nikon D90 was a Nikkor 50 mm lens. The lens you will be using will be a Canon EF 50 mm lens, NOT the same lens, just the same focal length

The lens matters more and yes canon 50mm f/1.8 is capable of producing good photos ~ *technically*

You are flooding us with questions here before we can answer one you have 3 more up…
Yes, the 50mm f/1.8 will produce amazing photos-IF YOU KNOW HOW TO USE IT PROPERLY. I put that in caps because that is the key.
If you don't know how to work your camera in terms of ISO, shutter and Aperture the 50mm will take average photos just like any other lens.
Sharp, clear images are affected by the lens, most definitely. But you won't get amazing results from any lens until you can manipulate the camera properly. Shutter speed, Aperture and ISO all have a HUGE impact on how clean, clear and crisp your images will be

Most modern lenses will produce excellent results if YOU got the lighting and composition right. No lens can fix those things if you blew it.