Nikon SLR Cameras

Will any of these circular polarizer filters work on a Nikon D5100?


I was just wondering if all the circular polarizer filters on this page:
would screw onto the end of my Nikon VR 18mm-55mm lens which I use on my Nikon D5100, according to the bottom of the lens the diameter is 52mm.

Added (1). Also, which one do you suggest I purchase?

Added (2). Or if you maybe know a better one that would fit, that could also be helpful info.


All of them will work, all that actually is needed is that they have a 52mm diameter mount. As far as which one… How much do you want to spend? Personally, I wouldn't buy anything with the name Bower or Opteka on it, but that's just me. The least expensive Hoya would be where I started looking.


The kenko moose peterson and the cheap hoya are good compromises between price and quality. All of these will fit and work.