Nikon SLR Cameras

Why do my photos have noise still?

Casey Smith
Casey Smith

I took outdoor photos but when I zoom in to 100% they have noise. Nikon D3000 ISO 200

Another question: If they are printed off at an 8x10 is that to 100% and will there be any noise on the print?


All digital images have some degree of noise so I always apply noise reduction, my favourite is Noise Ninja.

Prints are surprisingly resilient and any noise will probably be less obvious in the print than on the computer screen


I don't think there's such a thing as 100% zoom. Are you using digital zoom? (as opposed to only optical zoom)? This is for point and shoot cameras.

However, if you are using an SLR, then maybe your camera setting is set to the smallest image size. Shoot at full resolution or NEF.

Regarding your second question, % has nothing to do with print size. Also, you may be confusing noise with pixelation.