Nikon SLR Cameras

Which SLR camera fits baby photography?


Which SLR camera fits baby photography?
i take baby photography, which camera is best for that, should i get nikon d90 or the nikon d3100?


Any starter DSLR will work fine.


Any DSLR body will give great results.
To reduce the need for flash indoors the best lens to add to the kit lens is a 50mm F/1.8 or F/1.4


I love my newly acquired (12/25/2010) Pentax Kx. It is my first reentry into the world of DSLR's. The Pentax Kx was just discontinued but you could check for it's replacement model. 1-800-877-0155

"Sorry!" I got off track and didn't answer your question specifically. I bought the Kx because the viewfinder was/is clean and doesn't have 5 focusing squares like Canon and others. Those multiple squares drive me nuts!
Unless you already have some Nikon lenses, I would prefer the Canon Rebels over the Nikon product if I was limited to just those two.

Jack F
Jack F

Sony A390, Pentax Kx, Canon 1100D, Nikon D3100.