Which nikon camera would be the best to get?
So i'm really interested in photography, but as of right now i just want cool pictures with my friends. So i've been looking at some nikon cameras and i'm not too sure which one to get. It would be really nice if i could get some good quality pictures out of it as well as maybe doing a few professional shots. Also some really good close ups for my art. So which one do you think would be best for me based on what you know? D5100, D90, D3100, D5000
It really depends upon your goals using a fully adjustable camera
The newest ones are the D5100 (replaces the D5000), D7000 (replaces the D90) and D3100 (replaces the D3000)
That said, the most advanced is the D7000, most basic is the D3100.
I think you can go from there and figure it out