Nikon SLR Cameras

Which is the better choice?

Curious Rattie
Curious Rattie

Basic body of D90 (no fancy telephoto lenses, just the built in lens) or D80 with lens

Added (1). And why


You need to understand that there's no "built in lens". You HAVE to have a lens in order for the camera to work. You will have to buy a lens to put on the D90 body. If you shop carefully, you may be able to get the kit lens (18-105mm) that came with the D90 for $200.


Not checked the links you have provided, but D90 is always a good choice in Nikon.


Great camera, it's the one I have. The D90 replaced the D80. And the D7000 has just replaced the D90. I could still justify buying a D90, but not the D80 as it is pretty old these days.

But if you buy the D90, you have to buy a lens as well. There's no built-in lens, and you can't use the camera without a lens.

By the way, the D90, when purchased in "kit" form from Nikon with a lens, would come with a 18-105mm lens. Many of the kits I see - including your links, match it with a 18-55mm lens. While the 18-55mm lens is good enough as a starter lens, be aware that the lens is about half the price of the 18-105mm, so when you shop around for prices for "kits", make sure the lens is the same.


I wouldn't go with a D90, it's better to buy the Nikon D7000, which is the upgraded model of the D90. But if you have to go with the D90 or the D80, then definitely go with the D90. Newer cameras are always better.