Which camera shoud i go with? Nikon d3100, d3200, d5100, canon 600d?

I'm confused between canon 600, nikon d3100, d3200 and d5100. This is a major step for mr towards my passion. So please kindly inform me about the goods and bads about these camera.

Just sayin-I'm a big fan of Canon.

Canon in stead of plugging the camera in you plug the batteries in and it's easy to use.

Hmm… Tough question.
I had my own photo business for 10+ years…
if you are talking entry level SLRs. I saw better results with Nikons
but it really comes down to the lens and your skill level. My goto camera is a D5100. But I have other cameras that are 3 times the price from canon. If you are just starting off, and if you are not going to be serious… Try the nikon out. If you feel like you are going to go in all the way in the future the choice will be a lot tougher. I know some mid range prosumers who… Can't switch brands because of how much they invested in lenses.take a look at the site i've put as a reference for your research material. If you are just going to be an enthusiast, 5100 would be a good choice.

I'm a photographer and i just bought a Nikon 1800 now it does not work Nikon is having a lot of defects in their cameras and they don't want to admit it. I advice you to get a cannon Please… Nikon is a popular brand so people tend to get it more often but truth is i'd go with a cannon.

After comparison all cameras, I want to suggest you Canon 600d camera. When it comes to professional photography, one word comes into our minds that is an SLR. When it comes to SLRs one word comes in our minds that is Canon. Canon EOS 600D has 18 megapixel SLR sports a 14 bit DIGIC 4 image processor. The Pros of this cameras are:
1. Overall strong image quality
2. Wireless flash capabilities
3. Articulated LCD
4. Full HD video recording
5. Plenty of features for beginners to grow

Don't listen to Pamela Nikon doesn't make a 1800, I've own Nikon's since 1980s never had a problem with them. I've seen a lots of complaints about them, but 98% of these are Canon user using the internet to bash Nikon's.

Answer is the cheapest one. The others won't take better pictures, they will just have more bells and whistles that don't really do anything. Invest your money in lenses instead.

You can buy Nikon D5100 camera with the best picture quality.

Go with Canon

All of the Nikon models you list require using the more expensive Nikon AF-S lenses if you want auto focus. The Nikon D90 and D7000 (both more expensive than the models you listed) can use the less expensive Nikon AF lenses and they will auto focus on those models. Of course you can use the AF lenses on the D3100, D3200 and D5100 but you'll have to manually focus them.
Nikon lenses are designated as either "DX" or "FX". A "DX" lens is designed for the cropped-sensor models such as the D3100, D3200, D5100, D90 and D7000 while the "FX" lenses are designed for Nikon's full-frame DSLR cameras such as the D700, D800, D3X and D4. However, a Nikon "DX" lens can be used on an "FX" body and the camera will automatically crop the sensor to the same size as the sensor in the "DX" camera bodies.
Since Nikon still uses the lens mount first introduced in 1959 any Nikon lens ever made can, with limitations, be used on any of their DSLR cameras.
When Canon introduced their first auto focus 35mm film camera around 1988 they abandoned their old "FD" lens mount in favor of the current "EF" lens mount. As they moved into the digital age and needed a lower-priced line of lenses, Canon introduced the "EF-S" lens line. Unfortunately, due to the design of the "EF-S" lenses they can't be used on a Canon full-frame DSLR like the 6D, 5D and 1D or on the older auto focus 35mm film cameras. So anyone using a Canon 600D and decides to add a couple of "EF-S" lenses will have to buy all new "EF" lenses should they ever upgrade to a 6D or 5D or 1D.
If your budget allows in my opinion you should seriously consider the Nikon D7000. There are a lot of previously owned Nikon AF lenses available so you will save money buying lenses.
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