When is the Nikon D3200 going to be released?

I'm really wanting to upgrade my D3000, pre-order is availible on Amazon but not on the Nikon website yet… Anyone know what its supposed to be released to purchase?
Added (1). I evenually am going to get the D7000 but don't have the amount of money right now. I just need an upgrade so I'm interested in the D3200.

D3200 has been released on 19 april. But it will take some to take place on store. It cost arund 750$.

The money is better spent on another lens or two. Lenses impact your photography so much more than upgrading camera bodies, especially if you are "upgrading" to another entry level body. A true upgrade would be the D7000
the D3200 was just announced. An official release date has not been announced, but you can expect it in the next couple of months
I recommend you simply save enough to get the D7000. Getting the D3200 will basically be a waste of money. Why do you want to upgrade so bad? What can your D3000 not do?

One of my brother above said its already available from april 19th but haven't seen a single one here in hong kong. And amazon is out of stock, i'm waiting its since its my first dslr. Does it come in silver color!

I see questions like this all the time, people wanting to 'upgrade' but often there really is no need, and in many cases, there really is no upgrade.
First, what do you want to upgrade to? What are you not getting with your 3000 that the 3200 is going to give you? After you have that answer lined up, you need to understand that you are simply going from one entry level dSLR to yet another entry level dSLR.
By the time you save up the funds for the D7000, it will be old (it's already 2 years old) and most likely replaced by a new model.
The D3200 will have no auto focus motor, just like the 3000, 3100, D5100 etc. Not an issue until you want to buy a lens with no motor, but still you need to keep it in mind.
next issue, the 24 megapixel sensor in the new D3200 is from Sony. All Nikon dSLRs use Sony image sensors. This sensor was used first in the Sony A65 and A77 dSLT cameras. I did not replace my old Sony A700 with the new A77 for only one reason, the 24MP sensor.
All that resolution comes at a price. Low light images are a lot more dirty, or noisy. I'd bet the old Nikon D5100 and the D7000 still deliver better image quality that the 24MP D3200. Image sensors don't get bigger when the pixel count climbs, so pixels have to get smaller.
Small pixels gather less light. Photography is all about light, cut that out and noise in images is the result. In good light it's not an issue, but when you want to capture cool moments in low light like someone smoking a cigarette on a street corner at night, a couple at a candle lit table, a parade a night, a concert, that's when the problems become visible.
The D3200 also has this new Wi-Fi feature that's getting everyone all excited, until you see it's this extra thing you have to buy, and it sticks out of the side of the camera, not very smooth. I say, wait, save your money, and pull the trigger on a mid-range dSLR like the D7000 or its replacement. I know you are a Nikon shooter, and have no plans to switch, but I'd take a Sony A57 over the Nikon D3200.

You probably got a end April date from a website like this:
And as of April 27, physical stocks of the D3200 have already arrived at some US stores:
So, it may be as early as this weekend, but certainly not long now.

If you are upgrading from Nikon D3000 than D3200 is not the right camera instead you should consider Nikon D5100
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