I'm going to a One Direction concert this week can I take my nikon D3200 with me?

The concert is going to be held at Staples Center

What does your ticket say about "professional cameras, audio recording devices and video cameras"?
Venues consider any camera with interchangeable lenses and that have large sensors like your D3200 "professional" even though they really are not. The problem is that such camera are capable of producing professional quality images in the right hands.
It is highly doubtful that they will allow your D3200 into the concert.
If you want to take some "memory" photos, take your P&S or cell phone

I've been told that normally what happens is you'll be turned away at the door or they'll take your camera, or make you return it to your car.
If they catch you inside with a "professional" camera you'll be ejected and your memory card taken.
There are copyright laws you know.

Only a One Direction fan would be thick enough to ask.
Forget it!

Buy a poster. Posters are shot under good lighting and by professionals and with the subject posing with their best expressions! You or I could never dulicate that even under stage lighting.

Why bother? It won't make them sound any better…