Nikon SLR Cameras

What strobes are best for a home photo studio?


I'd like to be able to move them too. I have a Nikon D60. I'm not sure what I should look for particularly.

Bruce M
Bruce M

Why strobes? What kind of images are you taking? How will you hook them up to a D60? Look into the day light floresent (sp) lights. You can get nice ones for less then any good flash and with soft boxes and stands.

Manuel U
Manuel U

What fits through your door? If you say elephants…

Contrary to popular belief, size matters in lighting: þ I'd agree you're probably better off with hot-lighting if on a budget and if your subjects aren't too heat sensitive… You can get creative with the flagging and diffusing.

Otherwise, it's a complex question. How big a room? Painted how? What size of subject? What distance on the strobes? What kind of diffusion? How much depth-of-field (critical!).

I like the upper White Lightning and Alien Bees; and the electric-chair variable pack Normans, but I'd need to know what you have in mind… Watt-seconds depend on all of the above.