What other brand of lenses can I use on a Nikon dslr body?
I have a d5000 and I definitely needed to upgrade to something other than my kits lenses…
I'm trying to save some money (poor college student) and I was wondering if any other brands are compatible with Nikons or can I ONLY use Nikon lenses?
I shoot as a pro. I only say that because Id like you to put some stock in what i'm saying, I'm only serious in the camera section! I use Sigma. They make a line of lens designated with EX. They have a gold ring on them. They are very good lens's. I use them over cano l glass anyday. If you are looking for just one lens for now.may I recommend the Sigma 24-70 ex. It is a fantastic lens. About $1000.00 These lens's will work on your crop sensor camera and when and if you want to move up to a full frame they will be what you need and you will have them already. I have All sigma ex glass in my bag,.
Tamron has quite a few lenses and they all have rebates that expire at the end of April.
Why? The Nikon kit lenses are pretty good. Unless you tell us why you think they aren't, we can't help you. It may not be the lens that is the problem, it may be you!
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