What normal zoom lens do you prefer?
What would you suggest? Nikon 17-55 f2.8 or the 24-70 f2.8? I still don't have plans on upgrading to a full frame camera and now i'm using a nikon d7000.
I have a 17-50 and I find that the ultra wide end often gets me into trouble. I'm forever correcting lens distortion because I don't pay close enough attention on it. The 17mm end is into the fisheye range and the fisheye distortion is a fact of life there.
I also can't use it on my full frame cameras and that kind of sucks.So, if you do want to upgrade later down the line won't transfer to a full frame. I know you have no plans to upgrade any time soon, but down the line you just never know.
So… The 24-70 comes about just about perfect. Perfect range to compliment the 70-200 f/2.8 zoom.
If the budget is hanging you up, Tamron puts out a 28-75 f/2.8 for your camera that is much loved and much cheaper. It's MUCH better quality than any kit lens. It's not the Canon or Nikon 24-70 but it's very close and for the price? Well it's more than worth it's price. If at all possible go with the Canon or Nikon version. Tamron is definitely second choice.
Me, id say the second lens because i like to zoom in close on my subjects.
I haven't used either but out of these two I'd get the 24-70.
24mm ought to be wide enough for most shots, but 55mm can be too wide sometimes while 70mm would be perfect. So if I had the cash, I would definitely get the 24-70 f/2.8