What kind of cameras can be brought into Warped Tour?

I'm going to warped this year at Comerica Park and I don't know what camera to bring.
I just bought a Nikon D3100.It's a digital SLR camera. Are those kinds of cameras allowed into the event?
I also have just a regular digital camera.
If anyone has any information about the camera policy or suggestions for me, please let me know.

They'll probably only allow point and shoot, or you risk causing problems…
and depending where you are, you might not have a long enough lens…

By the time you get an answer here, you could have called Comerica Park and asked them (and they would have the official rules on cameras for the Warped tour)… 877-686-5366 or (313) 471-2255

Most parks will inspect your camera and no "professional gear" is allowed in. Usually they measure that by the size of the lens. You can get in the door at many of them with a 50mm lens, but nothing much longer than that. Sometimes the kit lenses get thru, sometimes not. Depends on who is inspecting and what the venue's rules are.
Funny thing is my point and shoot has more zoom than my HUGE DSLR lens and I can take professional appearing photographs with it.

I don't think the Nikon would be aloud in. I believe you're only aloud to bring in standard digital cameras or disposables.