Can I bring my camera to warped tour?

i'm going tomorrow.
My camera is a Nikon d3100
Added (1). If I bring my camera, they will take it from me? O What could happen?

Most concerts don't allow D-SLRs, except press pass people.

No, cameras are not allowed, they check all bags at security too so it will be found.

That's a DSLR. Absolutely not! You'd have better luck with a compact camera. If you do bring a camera and they find it, they'll take it away from you. If your phone has a camera, they can't that away from you, just don't use it in front of security at the show (make sure they don't see it). People have gotten away with shooting video.
The main thing is to bring something small and compact, and don't let security see the camera. When they check you and your bags at the door, put the camera in your pocket (or if you're a woman, the bottom of your purse).