Nikon SLR Cameras

What kind of battery charger do I need for my Nikon?


I have a Nikon D3000 and I lost my battery charger. I need to buy a new one and probably another battery to have just in case. What charger do I need to buy? & places to get cheap ones? It blows my mind how expensive the chargers are. Any help?


Did you take a look on the Nikon website? The charger you need is listed there. It is also listed in your user manual


Battery chargers are one thing you should not cheap out on. If you use the wrong battery charger, and if you attempt to fast charge your battery, you can damage the battery by overcharging it at too high of a rate. You are just asking for trouble with those $1.95 chargers.

Battery chargers are specifically made for certain batteries, and I have seen aftermarket batteries and chargers that are not even the same voltage. Attempting to fast charge these (1, 2, or 4 hour charge) is going to have unpredictable results.

Always use the genuine battery and charger on your camera equipment, especially if you are fast charging your equipment.

The only safe way you can use those aftermarket chargers is if you use a slow charger - one that takes 16 hours to charge. But you have to ask yourself if the inconvenience of having to wait 16 hours for a battery to charge is worth the $1.95 price of the charger.


Maybe you can find a new one on