Nikon SLR Cameras

What is Nikon D90 about? Is it something special or different?


Whys everyone so crazy about d90. I know it is used in professionalism and as hobby but what are the speciality what does it have that other camera does not have in them or are there better cameras than this… My friends just love d90 each n one of them has the same camera… Of course with different lenses… So i would like to know why n wat reasons does person want this camera

sorry abt mistakes and not good english
thank you for answering
n do let me know the reasons

Mere Mortal
Mere Mortal

I believe it was the first Nikon dSLR to offer video.

Otherwise it's just another tiny APS-C sensor dSLR. You will find the D3s and D700 superior as far as still image picture quality goes.