Nikon SLR Cameras

What is better, a DSLR or a full 1080P HDMI Cameras?


I have a Nikon P500 camera that takes great pictures. I've seen pictures posted from a D3000 Nikon camera that has less pixels than mine but appear to take really great pictures. Don't' get me wrong, i like my camera, but which do you think is better, or which one would be better taking into consideration all of the specs of both cameras. I don't want to sell my P500, but i want really good pictures… What do you think?


Well, the D3000 is a DSLR too. By Full 1080p, HDMI, thats only referred to as video. Unless you want exceptional video quality, I'd say keep your P500.It already has 3984 × 2656 pictures, which you could consider 'HD'.


The larger sensors on DSLRs will give higher quality pictures than any small-sensor compact digital. Period.
When you add in the fact that you can select from a wide array of high quality lenses, nearly every one of which will be better than the lens on your P500… It's no contest.

"Full 1080p" is a video standard, not a still image standard. And since any DSLR (and your current camera) have higher resolution than 1080 pixels vertically, every one of them will be downsampling their native resolution to do 1080p video.