What is a cheap and good external flash for Nikon D70 (to shoot weddings)?

I'm in need of a flash, BAD. But i do not want to pay hundreds of dollars for something i don't need, specially since i'm not making any profit. I'm an amateur photographer who shoots friends/family weddings for a hobby. I keep seeing "ttl" and "wireless remote" and I don't even know the difference of a flash unit with or without the ttl wireless remote… I'm so confused! What is the cheapest, yet good nikon flash that i can get for my Nikon D70 that i can use to shoot night weddings? Any help is appreciated!

You can't shoot any serious function without packing at least an sb-600

There's no such thing as "cheap" and "to shoot weddings"
A good flash is one with a swivel/bounce head and which you can adjust the flash output. These can cost anywhere from $100 (for a third party flash) to hundreds of dollars (for a brand name or a handlemount flash)
Comment: "But i do not want to pay hundreds of dollars for something i don't need,"
Answer: If you don't need it, then why are you "in need of it BAD"? You contradict yourself in the same sentence/fragment.
TTL means through the lens. I think all modern flashes are TTL (or some derivative of that). For the purposes of your question it is not really crucial that you know what that is, but you can look up what it means on the internet if you're curious.
I think wireless remote means just that - that you can set it off remotely without needing to use a wire.
You won't really get much better pictures with an external flash if you don't really know how to use it - you may as well save your money. Alternatively, you can get one, but be prepared to accept that fact that your pictures won't turn out that much better. In order for that to happen, it takes practice. I speak from personal experience (I had a family member getting married so I went out and bought an external flash thinking my pictures would improve drastically - they didn't. I may as well have used my pop-up flash. Now 6 years later, I'm better, but still have trouble with flash photography.
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