Nikon SLR Cameras

What camera should I bring to Disney World?

Dirty Pony
Dirty Pony

So I have a bit of a dilemma. I have a really nice camera, a nikon d3000, and a not so amazing… But decent camera ( a little 100 dollar camera… But it has 10 mega pixels and a 3x optical zoom)

Should I bring the nikon to our family trip to disney? My dad says it could get stolen or lost, but we never ever go on vacation and I think its important we take awesome pictures… But I just don't know.

I'm thinking of taking both and only taking my nice camera around if we diecide have special planned photos. What do you think?


Unless you have a huge telephoto lens on it, the D3000 is a pretty small camera. Weight and size should not be a huge factor. You point-and-shoot's size will also not factor.

Just bring them. Keep the D3000 always on your person and don't wave it around. For a trip like this, I'd want to bring the best camera possible.

Have fun!



Let me ask you this… Are you planning to take "art" caliber photos at Disney World? What is it you really want to capture images of?

My suggestion would be that for that type of venue - where you'll likely be going on rides (where a really good camera could get banged up, wet, or left behind), eating in restaurants or snack bars on-premise (where, again, the camera could get knocked off a table or chair or left behind), out in the bright sun being jostled by crowds - a compact point and shoot would likely be most practical (if it's a decent P&S - most $100 cameras are pretty crummy - even for the most casual memory snaps.

Plus, don't ever ever leave a camera (or any expensive personal property) out in the open or even in an unlocked suitcase (a locked safe in the room or with the front desk is best!).It might walk off for any number of reasons - sometimes because maids leave doors open to clean and may not see someone go into your room, sometimes there might be other factors (use your imagination) as to how it might disappear…

This may be a great oppty to ask for an early Bday or Xmas present and tell your Dad you see the sense in what he's saying. But you'd like to capture some better quality memories than what your $100 camera is capable of. Tell him there are some very good P&S compacts in the $225-349 price range that would be a good substitute for a dSLR on the trip. If you're good at photography you should be able to capture interesting shots with any camera - even a really cheap disposable.

Since you have a decent enough starter DSLR camera already I don't have to tell you to read the manual for how to use any new camera (so you know what to do & not do when using it) if you get one, & to always use the wrist strap to prevent droppage & breakage.

Good luck! Have a great trip… Sometimes parents aren't as dumb as you think they are. They've been there, done that - and know what can go wrong and how you'd feel if it did!