What are the best effects in nikon D3200?

I'm not a photographer so i have no idea. But i see a lot of people having great photos with it and adding amazing effects that i have no idea about, anyone help?

It's not effects, it's skill.
It's amazing what you can do with any DSLR if you take the time and trouble to learn to use it properly.

Apart from differential focus and time lapse effects ranging from rapid fire to very long exposures using and filters, the effects will be coming from post processing software. Usually Photoshop CS.
You can download a free program called Gimp which emulates many of the Photoshop functions. See:

The great photos come from the skill of the photographer. Invest in yourself. Take some photography courses, or at least find some of the online tutorials like these:
- I recommend the "Fundamentals of Digital Photography"
Amazing effects come from post processing. Adobe Photoshop is the most popular, I use Corel's Paintshop Pro. A highly recommended one, and it is free, is GIMP. Once again, you need to invest in yourself. There are lots of tutorials out there on post processing as well as some classes.

Your question indicates that you know absolutely NOTHING about photography. There are no "effects". Quality photographs are a function of the photographer's skill. "Effects" are added by computer programs such as Photoshop after the photo has been transferred to computer. Study your craft. Photography is only 10% equipment.