Nikon SLR Cameras

What are some good professional cameras?


I want to be a photographer and I have saved up $1000 for a nice camera. I want one that I can use for photoshoots. A lower price would be great, but I don't know which cameras and good and what aren't. I've heard good things about the Nikon D3000…
I want to be able to get pictures like these:

Added (1). I don't actually want to spend the whole $1000… My parents would probably kill me. I'm 17 by the way.

Kazi Riasat
Kazi Riasat

I've used Nikon D3000 and I have to say that it is just a stupid DSLR I ever used. Rather you can look for Canon EOS 60D or Nikon D7000.


You aren't going to come close to a professional camera with only $1, 000.00


Yeah, the Nikon D3000 and D3100 are super nice! I just bought a D3 from Best Buy for around $650. Its super nice and it takes amazing pictures! Its also fairly light. I used to have a bit older Canon Rebel… I bought it for $700. I just wanted to try something new so i bought the nikon. But out of personal experience i would go for the Nikon. My canon is older and bulkyer, but theyve been upgraded alot since mine was made… I've used a new Rebel, and i liked it alot but i still like the Nikon. Hope this helps!

Amber Mason
Amber Mason

Well you should get Hasselblad H3DII-50 it has world's most advanced camera system. I hope it will better for you to become a professional photographer. Well for more details so you can try…


To take pictures like the ones you posted you need a good lens as well. Get a D90 (body only) and a 35mm f/1.8… Wonderful for portraits and in your price range.