Exposure compensation on my Nikon D3200 doesn't work?
The exposure compensation on my Nikon D3200 doesn't work? - 1
Added (1). Sorry, I'm afraid I don't know where the manual is. I assumed the exp. Comp. Would work on any mode. I use my camera on manual all the time, and I don't have auto ISO enabled.
Without any details it's difficult to say what's wrong. Did you read your manual? What have you tried? Is the camera set on Auto or some other mode? Are you shooting photos or videos?
You must provide some details if you expect to get a good answer. Otherwise, I can just assume your camera is broken and needs to be sent to a repair center.
As AlCapone states, you are missing a lot of info.
In general: Exposure compensation only works in the PSAM modes.
It is disabled in Auto mode, and I'm guessing in the idiot modes (scene modes).
This is all explained in the users guide.
In manual mode, it will only do something if you have Auto ISO enabled (usually a bad thing to have enabled) or when using a TTL flash.
All of your answers are in the manual.
Is the camera in one of the PASM modes? Is it in the green Auto mode? If it's in the green auto mode, or one of the scene modes, then exposure compensation is turned off.
If the camera is in one the P/A/S/M modes, then EC will work.
Exposure compensation does NOT work in manual exposure mode. It is designed so that you can adjust exposure in the Auto and semi-Auto modes (ie Auto, shutter priority & aperture priority modes).
In manual exposure mode, you are adjusting the exposure yourself by +/- stops by referring to the light meter.