Telephoto lens for Nikon d3000?

I have a nikon d3000 and i was wondering if anyone could suggest a semi cheep telephoto lens i could get for it ~ thanks ^w^

Least expensive good lens would be the Nikon 55-200mm AF-S VR. For a little bit more reach there's the 55-300mm AF-S VR, but price takes a jump. Even better edge sharpness and focusing would be the Nikon 70-300mm AF-S VR, but the price is climbing more than you may want.
Do not waste your money on the cheap 70-300mm lens (Nikon, Tamron, or Sigma).

You mean telephoto as in 500mm, and not zoom as in 55-200mm? Look on ebay or amazon. But be aware with cost comes quality, or lack of. Cheap usually means junk. You get what you pay for in thee world of cameras.

Cheep? 70-300mm.