Taking Black & White pics w/ Nikon D3100?

I have a new Nikon D3100. What is the easiest way to take Black/White Photos. I'm sure there's a setting to switch it to without going through several menu screens. I'd love to be able to just hit a button or switch modes to quickly go back and forth.

It's easier just to convert to greyscale with your photo program in your computer.

The easiest way is read the user's manual

Both are true but I would make this suggestion. If you take that shot in B/W then later on you want it in color your stuck and how embarrassing would that be? Shot at the highest resolution your 3100 will do, always in color. Covert to b/w in software and save under a different name… Then you'll have both.
Good idea? That's what most of us regulars here do and it works pretty well as opposed to wanting it later and it's not there.

A much better idea is to use an editing program to convert a copy of your original color image file to black & white. These articles should convince you.
If the professional photographers who write for SHUTTERBUG think converting is the best way to produce black & white images from digital who are we to argue with them?
If you'd also like to try for the infrared look here are two articles that should get you started.

I really really like Dxo film pack for this kind of thing.http://www.dxo.com/intl/photo/filmpack/introduction
- How to change the settings on my Nikon D3100 so I can shoot in Black and White?
- How to shoot pictures in black and white on the Nikon D3100?
- Shooting black and white on a nikon d3100?
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