Nikon SLR Cameras

Sony alpha a 580 perform twice as good as nikon d7000 in iso 6400 low light?



Jim A
Jim A

Given the different lighting situations I'd say both are pretty good - no visible noise. The Sony was shot at 1/30 and the nikon at 1/50. I'd like to see the same shot, behind the big building, both cameras at 1/30 from the same location.

You can't make a fair comparison at different sites with different lighting.


The two shots can't be compared. The scene, lighting, camera settings are all different. Stupid post really.


Same answer as the last time - these are not valid comparisons. For that, all other things, including the motive, would have to be identical.

Also, the fact that the D7000 uses the exact same sensor as the A580 should prove the point to you that these comparisons are nonsense - Nikon buys its sensors from Sony…

Jeroen Wijnands
Jeroen Wijnands

Yesterday it was the pentax k-x, wasn't it?

Kid, nobody's twisting your arm to buy a D7000.