Shooting HDR by using a Nikon D80?

I've been trying to shoot HDR pictures by using my Nikon D80, but the outcome is not that good. I switched to P mode, using bracket and exposure -0.7, -0.3, 0, +0.3 and +0.7. After merging these 5 pics together by Photoshop CS3, it doesn't looks different much though, unlike the other HDR pics I saw online.
Is there any special techniques to capture HDR pics for D80? What about the settings and the condition (weather, places) for good HDR pics?

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There's more to HDR than just shooting some UE, NE and OE image files and then compiling them
It also does not matter which camera you use.
Most of us who shoot for HDR, do NOT use the program mode and use the auto-bracket feature.
Once the image is composed in the viewfinder, with the camera on a tripod. It is better NOT to use the aperture for exposure control. If you use the aperture, you will get depth of field shifts. It is better to keep the aperture fixed and manually bracket using the shutter speed.
If you do it right, you will NOT see any dramatic, over HDR. What HDR is suppose to do, it supply detail in what would ordinarily be under and overexposed portions of the normally exposed image.

I sometimes like to do a mild to moderately dramatic picture. What I do is take three or even 5 shots with 1 stop spacing. I usually shoot in A mode. I run it trough photomatix or the hdr efex plugin for photoshop and end up with things like.
Now the basic shoot would also allow to process a more natural look of course, that's all dependend on the software settings you use.