Nikon SLR Cameras

Recommendations for first DSLR?


I have a budget of about $700, and was considering the Nikon D3100 and getting some extra lenses with the rest of the money. Or should I buy the D5100 and simply use the kit lens? Or should I simply get a cheaper, older camera and spend the money on some very nice lenses?

Keepin it Real
Keepin it Real

T2i or T3i good value.look on amazon


There are many excellent digital cameras out there, just remember…

A camera is but a paint brush, it is more important who is holding the brush than which brush it is. All decent cameras can take wonderful pictures in the right hands. Spend your time studying great lighting and composition because even a top flight camera can't fix bad lighting or composition. And have fun with whichever brush you buy.


You can buy nikon d5100, still a massive discount, just in


I recommend starting out using the kit lens. Once you learn more about photography, you'll be able to decide for yourself what sort of lenses you want.