Photo Shoot.: Help:. Equipment?
Okay, i asked a similar question before but here i go. I'm only 15 years old, and i have an upcoming photo shoot for a quinceanera party for my cousins friend. Keep in mind that i'm only 15.I've got a Nikon D3000, and thats really all i have.
What equipment should i have/get?
Would it be unprofessional for me to show up with just my camera?
What equipment should i have/get?
-Because of the poor light condition you may find inside, a sb unit flash like those sb600, sb700, sb800, sb900 would help you to get a lower shutter speed for your ambient light and the flash for a fill in (setup on the rear curtain sync). And maybe a lens other than the kit lens, something like the Nikon 35mm 1.8 50mm 1.4 or 1.8.anything that will help you to get a decant shutter speed without having to increase the iso (the more it goes up, the more noise will come out).
Would it be unprofessional for me to show up with just my camera? Yes but you're only 15 with plenty of time ahead, relax and enjoy!