Optimal settings for a concert with a Nikon d5100?

Okay so I have a Nikon d5100 which I just recently got so I'm fairly new to all the settings and I'm going to a concert. What would be the best settings to put my camera too? [so I can save myself all the testing of settings from aperature to shutterspeed and tons of blurry pictures].
so basic manual settings that you would use for a concert?
shutter speed? Aperature? Etc?

Nobody else knows the style of photgraphs you want to produce.
There's only one good way to know what your camera can do and that is to take trial shots at various combinations of aperture and shutter and ISO settings.
If you want a do-anything guide for dummies just use a 200ISO, 1/125th and F4 for brightly lit performances and you'll be somewhere near it but nobody knows how far you are from the stage or anything else.
That combo won't guarantee all good shots and neither will any other single combination no matter how many thousands you spend on a camera.
Here it all is for another concert-goer. Different camera but it all works the same.
Know your own camera well or don't.
What quality you get is entirely up to you and how much you are prepared to put into it.