I really need some help.im 14, and have been doing photography, about over 3?

(sorry for the letters without capitals, that's just the way i'm used to writing on fb):L - when i was young, i started off with a digital camera and developed my way in to getting a proffessional one and having photography as one of my hobbies. I rele enjoy it, and lots of people have complimented and recommended i take photography further.currently i'm developing a printed portfolio as well as having an album on facebook. -my aim is to get my work promoted. But i don't kno how? A facebook organsiation/page or something? Or should i wait until i've studied more?
-i have a proffesional camera(nikon D3000)
-i have taken pictures for various events such as, weddings, parties, christenings, etc and people have been satisfied with my work.
-family/friends are helping me promote
i want to be able to just get it out there, let people kno what i can do, but how? :/
can anyone suggest anything?

I'm the same but i have started they my photos in other places, places where they can't be take by someone else and used by them to make somthing like…
check them out there really good!
ps if you want you can look at some of my photos on flickr i'm under NImark144.
hope all goes well!

It's good that you've been working, and looking to build up a portfolio. A lot of promotion is by word of mouth and building up a corporate image. It's early now but if you build your foundations you'll be able to hit the ground running.
From now you need to start having a professional image, at all times. Make business cards up, a professional website (rather than social networks), then point to that website with your facebook and flickr pages. You need to dress the part because you don't know when you could be meeting potential clients, and most importantly you need to learn to communicate properly, that means you need to learn to speak in a mature and eloquent fashion, and to be able to write in a professional manner.
If you take this opportunity to build up your corporate image and reputation while you've got the time means that you don't have to fight as hard later down the line when you may have to busy yourself with earning a living.

Get your portfolio together then take it to those that hire photographers

I'm 14 too and I'm in a camera club and we enter contests. And have a booth at like the these fun days. And we hang our pics up and people come and look at them. That should get people to see how good your pics are.

Well… Thinking about it the world is full of 14 year old, professional photographers.
With your experience you should be telling us how to promote our photos.
I'm just a hobbyist, who likes taking photos generally, and have been since about 1999 / 2000. I'm thinking of jacking in my job and this year at the age of 40 trying to push my technically proficient but ultimately unimpressively average photos onto the world. I'm sure I'll succeed and it's not just a pipe dream. I hear there's an impressive potential market in weddings and high street portraits and that I might match my current minimum pay wages by doing this.
Or I reckon I could teach photography.
- I'm doing my own senior pictures. I need some advice on photo taking and editing?
- I just bought a 50mm 1.2 lens and its a Ai lens. I have been told it will need to be modified to work on my camera
- I have a nikon d3000 and i inserted a 128gb sd card and it says card full when is a new card thats never been used?
- My Nikon D5300 battery will not charge, even over night. What am I doing wrong?
- What are the benefits of having a DSLR camera over a really nice point and shoot?