Nikon SLR Cameras

Niokn D90 in HK very cheap.wt to do?


Price of nikon D90 in nikon store is 7800 hkd wheras in grey market its 5800 khd. With 18-105mm so confused what to do? He says he has warranry too. N the serail no.of the box and the camera is same! Any ideas.


Do you live in HK? Does this grey market seller have a phone number of the warranty provider so you can check and make sure that the after market warranty is actually legit?


Be VERY careful buying a Nikon "gray market" camera.

In the US, Nikon will NOT repair a "gray market" camera with or without a warranty (even if you offer to pay for the repair). You would need to rely on the place you bought it from to take care of any needed repairs. Nikon-Asia may be different, but ONLY Nikon can answer that.

The other thing to be aware of with such a huge price difference is that it could be STOLEN. Yes, criminals will steal cameras/electronics/etcetera with the box. A lot of times they are stolen off of delivery trucks.

Should you take a stolen camera into a legitimate shop for cleaning/repairs and the serial number is on a "hot list" (stolen goods)… Guess who will lose their camera AND have to answer questions with the police!