Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon D7100 price change?


I'm very happy that there's already a discount on the new Nikon D7100 on Amazon. But will a larger discount come any time soon? The d7000 currently has a $400 discount, and I'm pretty sure that didn't happen on day one of its release.
Will the d7100 drop its price at some point?


Discounts on cameras have all to do with a new camera being introduced. The older camera is then discounted.

Since the D7100, just barely has made it to the market, it may be two and a half years before you see the next in the series, D7200. I'm sure by then, the D7100 will cost less than it does now


The discount on Amazon is only $3 for the body, but is $100 for the body and kit lens. So the are really discounting the kit lens, not the camera, significantly. Since discounts didn't happen for the D7000 until the D7100 was announced, I would expect the same for the D7100. No one knows when the replacement for the D7100 will happen, nor if it will be a D7200. The replacement could be a full frame camera. Since updates happen between one and two years, that is what I would expect the D7100 update to be, so that is when the D7100 would see a significant discount.