Nikon D7000 and 50mm 1.8D opinions?

So I finally decided on a camera and lens I want to buy… A nikon d7000 and a nikon 50mm 1.8D. From the sample pictures online it looks like a really amazing camera and lens for photography. Well, is it? Does it have good focus? Is it hard to work with? Sorry for all the questions, I just want to make sure I'm making the right choice. I want this camera to be the camera that I start my photography career with, so it has to be close to perfect. Also, I was tied between the d90 and the d7000 which is better? I'm guessing the d7000 because it's more expensive.

It's a fine camera… If you learn how to use it. Focus? No problem. Quick and accurate. However… If you buy it, stick a 50 1.8 on it, point it at something and hope it takes a decent picture for you, then you will be disappointed, just as you would with a Hasselblad H5d. Or any camera.
The D7000 is a fair choice for a first camera though. Just remember that you have to put in the time and effort to understand how it works. Cameras don't take great pictures by themselves. The sample pictures you saw and were so impressed by were probably taken by experienced photographers and it is that experience which made the pictures so good. Not the D7000. Hand a D7000 to someone with no clue and you'll get garbage.

A camera is not necessarily "better" because it is more expensive, the resulting photographs will be better because the person using the camera knows what they are doing.
Get to know the camera, what the features do, how to use basic settings to get different results. Learn about light and composition.
Your choice is good and hopefully you will enjoy using it. Don't be afraid to learn.

Get 1.8G lens of nikon 50mm.