Nikon d3100 broken screen?
I dropped my friends nikon d3100, and the pictures come out okay, but the inside part of the screen is cracked, and you can only see parts of the picture. Is it possible to repair it? And if so, how much?
Help Thank you!
Added (1). Is it possible to repair just the screen part, or would you have to buy a whole new body.
It Is But It Cost Money Does your Friend Know You Should Tell Her And Blame it on me
First question- why were you not wearing the supplied neck strap? Doing so is a must. My photography instructor would fail us for the day if we did not do that.
everything is possible to repair. It will probably end up costing a couple hundred dollars for labor and parts.
Yes it is possible to replace the screen but I agree, at least $200.
Sure. $150-$250