Nikon d3000 not auto focusing

Hi guys so a couple of days ago a friend borrowed my camera that i have only had for about a year and dropped it. The problem is that now it doesn't auto focus when you go to take the picture the lens keeps going in and out of focus and just won't take at all unless i press the key lock button but even then the photos are out of focus and i'm unsure what to do as i do not have a lot of money to buy a new one or go to a specialist shop and i'm in my final year of a level photography so i need to fix it as soon as possible. If you guys know how to fix this or have any suggestions it would be much appreciated thank you!

Hopefully it is just a lens problem, in which case, you can buy a refurbished 18-55mm kit lens for around $90 (USD).
Sounds as if your friend owes you a new lens.
However, it could also be a different problem, so I'd go to a camera shop and see if they will let you try a different lens to see if it is a lens or camera problem.

Dropping cameras is often fatal.
Have your camera and lens checked out, and make sure your, 'Friend,' foots the bill. If he comes near your camera again, stick a knife in him.

Lets hope its just a damaged lens issue since you can buy a refurbished Nikon AF-S 18-55mm zoom lens for under $100.00 - there's one on Amazon for $84.00 and I saw several on eBay for even less. So take your camera to a shop and ask to try a different lens. If a different lens auto focuses on your camera tell your "friend" to order you a new lens. However… If changing lenses doesn't cure the problem then you'll have to send camera and lens to an Authorized Nikon Service Center (there should be a list in the back of your Owner's Manual) and ask for a repair estimate - which your "friend" will be responsible to pay.
I hope that in the future you'll learn to just say "No" if someone asks to borrow your camera.

You need to bring the camera, lens and your friend to the authorized Nikon service center of the store you bought your camera from.