Nikon D3000 Life Expectancy?

After 100000 shots, will the camera be dead(not working) forever? Or you can replace some parts. Please let me know.

Have you any idea how long it takes to make 100, 000 shots?
Unless you're careless with it, it'll last you long enough.

Many, many years… Trust us… A long time.

Put it into perspective and think about the the cost of the camera per shot over such a range of shots!

That's the shutter life rating. When the shutter stops working, yes the camera is dead. But usually they last quite a bit longer than the rating and that's a hell of a lot of shots anyway.

That figure is the shutter's life expectancy. Knowing Nikon that's the minimum number of shutter movements you can expect from a D3000. Quite a few will outlast that (there's some accounts of D40s doing three times that number and I know a few D80s that have passed the million)
If a shutter breaks you're looking at a 150-200 euros/dollars repair job.
Personally I wouldn't let it bother me. Even in a busy year I shoot 16000 pictures at most.

Most cameras would probably not reach 100, 000 shutter actuations. When the camera dies, you can have it fixed at a price that's probably lower than buying a new dSLR at that time.